Online booking system

Managing bookings for your events using email and spreadsheets and text documents quickly becomes a nightmare when numbers exceed a handful.

The Club-Sites on-line booking system has been designed to minimise time spent in administering bookings as well as making it much easier for your guests to make a booking and even provides for tickets, table plans, personalised place cards and food & drink lists for the venue caterers. You may also email all guests and past guests from within the system. 

The on-line booking system is easy to set-up and may be accessed by your treasurer, bookings administrator and any others that you nominate, so that everyone involved has an up to date view of the status of your bookings. Being an on-line system, it can be accessed from anywhere using your PC, tablet or smartphone using a password protected secure encrypted web page. 

For an introductory price of just £144 P.A. inc VAT (+ system cost = total £288 PA) you get:

Comprehensive back office functions


Example form

Back office functions